INVEST Magazine The Downstreaming's Effect

Jumat, 27 Januari 2023

Borobudur Highland

Though the temple has remained strong even through ten centuries of neglect. It was rediscovered in 1815, buried under volcanic ash. In the 1970’s the Indonesian Government and UNESCO worked together to restore Borobudur to its former majesty.

Borobudur Highland – BO Borobudur

Located on the island of Java, the magnificent Borobudur temple is the world’s biggest Buddhist Temple, an ancient site widely considered to be the one of the World’s Seven Wonders. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Syailendra Dynasty, the temple sits majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. The Temple is a marvel of design, decorated with 2.672 relief panels amd 504 Buddha statues.

It was built without using any kind of cement or mortar. Though the temple has remained strong even through ten centuries of neglect. It was rediscovered in 1815, buried under volcanic ash. In the 1970’s the Indonesian Government and UNESCO worked together to restore Borobudur to its former majesty.

The Borobudur Authority Agency has developed an Authority Zone covering an area of 309 hectares which is an exclusive tourism area with natural nuances and is located in Purworejo Regency, Central Java. This area will be developed with the concept of culture and Adventure Eco-Tourism, of course, by developing aspects of sustainability and friendliness to nature. This Authority Zone will be built by providing various international standard tourist facilities. Such as hotels with the concept of Glamorous Camping, Eco Resort, Fine Dining Restaurant, MICE, and supported by the surrounding area which has begun to develop, so as to increase the value of investment in the Borobudur Authority Zone.

CP: Harfiansa (

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